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This is a simple and effective way yo make sure people are actually filing out a form before submitting it. If you need to verify content it should be done server side (so that if you come across the odd person with javascript turned off it wont brea...
posted 14 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Cleaned up (with the help of jslint.com) versions of cookie handling functions
posted 14 years ago by pmw57
This function automates the creation of the <OPTION>s of a <SELECT> element. It's ideal for your AJAX apps when you create display elements using Javascript
It accepts to different kind of arrays:
An array of key:values…
var arrDirs = {...
posted 14 years ago by nomada
This fixes the downside of the original javascript keyboard navigation snippet I posted here so that if you manually scroll past to a new chapter mark it will register that and keep track of your location better. The old code would ignore any scroll...
posted 14 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Starting with GoogleTV in mind I made a script to help navigate a page key basic key inputs, in this case I'm using the left and right arrows to jump between the H1 tags on a page, although the modifications to make it do other things would be very s...
posted 14 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This is essentially how to detect an outside click for a dialog box on a website, using HTML/CSS/Javascript/JQuery.
Essentially you need to understand event propagation how it works throughout the DOM with JQuery, to make this as simple as possib...
posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
A nice little code snippet for displaying images randomly when a page is reloaded.
posted 14 years ago by danielwrobert
If you are trying to solving one or both of these problems:
+ If the window is resized to a smaller size that was designed for - a scrollbar would be nice.
+ If the content is larger than the original design - a scrollbar would be nice
Then use...
posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
This is some very basic jQuery to post from a comment form on a website. I would probably change the .click to .bind("click",) and for different sites I add a success message. This code works with a basic form with text inputs named #name and #email...
posted 14 years ago by creativeboulder
JavaScript file that creates the HTML5 elements for IE8 and below (by Remy Sharp). Just call the file from the head of the html in a conditional comment [if lte IE 8].
posted 14 years ago by polly42