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Add this snippet to theme's functions.php Add menu items that will have separator after them to $separatorsAfter array.
0 1847 posted 7 years ago by cusmin
Please add this code to functions.php This will add admin menu separators between all admin menu items.
0 912 posted 7 years ago by cusmin
Hide Cusmin plugin appearance from all other users, even administrators. Add this code to active themes's functions.php
0 910 posted 7 years ago by cusmin
This is the simple plugin for your wp site , with this plugin you can embed snippets code from http://snipplr.com . Easy to use , just paste url from http://snipplr.com and thats it. Version: 1.1
0 1114 posted 9 years ago by snipembed
A plugin that adds widget functionality to a third-party video modal plugin. The widget accepts a YouTube video ID and a thumbnail URL of the user's choice. It then generates a thumbnail link that launches a video modal via the third-party plugin. Op...
0 1072 posted 9 years ago by julian90
FME has designed efficient Canvas Drawing Plugin for WordPress that enables users to draw canvas online on separate paint book by utilizing basic drawing tools like brush, pencil, etc. This WordPress Plugin will create two additional pages on your we...
0 864 posted 10 years ago by alastarmason1
PrestaShop Advance SEO module is offered by FME. This module is used to configure On Page SEO components of Product pages. The Meta title, keywords and descriptions can be utilized by using this module. Due to its intelligent formula this module is a...
0 1087 posted 11 years ago by AlastairBrian
This allows you to create a custom page template in your plugin. Say your plugin creates a custom post type and you want to override the standard archives page template to display your custom post type in a special way. You could achieve this by crea...
0 1017 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
A simple widget for displaying a single post in a dynamic sidebar. Originally developed to accommodate a WP user who wanted full control of which posts were displayed and what order they were on a certain page.
0 902 posted 12 years ago by chasecrawford
It's a 3 part process, first is the PHP that you need to run, which includes the appropriate scripts and styles into the admin header, then you need an html button and input field to put the stored value in, then you need some jQuery to open the popu...
0 931 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
For when you really just need a short description field along with a title for your slideshows. Just drop this into the functions.php and meteor-slideshow.php in the theme folder.
0 1281 posted 12 years ago by crypticsoft
Toggle section titles
0 760 posted 12 years ago by G470
Use this code to call the Plugin: <plug:full_background_image>
1 1064 posted 12 years ago by G470
This needs to be run on an action, or at least I wanted able to get it to run outside of an action, I suggest template_redirect. More information at the link.
0 926 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Displays latest posts by current author (place it within the loop). Adapted from code from [here](http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-related-posts-by-same-author-in-wordpress/) and a tutorial [here](http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how...
0 1042 posted 12 years ago by certainlyakey
Save this as plugin.nextlink.php to your ndxz-studio/site/plugin folder. Call the Plugin where you need it: &lt;plug:nextlink /&gt; Original by "gd" http://www.indexhibit.org/forum/thread/7879/
0 772 posted 13 years ago by G470
n nextgen-gallery/view/gallery.php, find these lines. Either comment out or remove.
0 817 posted 13 years ago by xcsteve99
You can use fluid for example in oldschool plugins without using extbase.
0 729 posted 13 years ago by pogosheep
This is a jquery full screen background image plugin for indexhibit using http://srobbin.com/jquery-plugins/jquery-backstretch/
0 720 posted 13 years ago by orionrush
Here are a couple of snippets for removing the CSS, JS, and Dashboard widget created by the WP Geo plugin. I love this plugin but often only use it as a simple way to embed geo data on posts and don't actually need it to generate maps.
0 1091 posted 14 years ago by mindshare
get rid of plugins that add jquery without killing the admin
0 901 posted 14 years ago by mesh606
Dispaly a repeatable region using the Simple Fields wordpress plugin.
0 920 posted 14 years ago by mesh606
Bring in a file / image to your wp template
0 873 posted 14 years ago by mesh606
replaced taxonomy = 'category' with taxonomy = '".myTAXONOMY."' add lines 51, 52, 93 - 123
0 1579 posted 14 years ago by Ijaas
0 687 posted 14 years ago by jurajsim
Display random posts without a plugin
4 874 posted 14 years ago by DanielPaul
0 531 posted 14 years ago by danwoodward
Of course the Plugin from wpml.org has to be installed, the file "wpml-integration.php" from docs/theme-integration has to be copied into your theme-directory and the call include "wpml-integration.php"; has to be copied to your functions.php. After...
0 689 posted 15 years ago by zartgesotten
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