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Often in Flash, the mouse is used to zoom or scroll, and by default the document <body> tag will also pick this up, making the page scroll away - which is annoying when you just want to view the Flash element.
This snippet intercepts mouse scroll...
posted 13 years ago by singalongwithdavehotmailcom
Free JavaScript slideshow with thumbnail gallery, zoom-in-effect, zoom-out-effect and transparency-effect (opacity). Add as many pictures as you like. Each picture can be linked and commented. The thumbnail gallery can be displayed or hidden. True co...
posted 14 years ago by fabulant
This code is pretty simple but massively useful. You can select any number of elements on the stage in Flash, then run this JSFL Command and it will round their x and y values to the nearest whole number. It's very handy when you want things to be on...
posted 14 years ago by jknight42
Basic setup code for using SWFObject to embed flash content in a plage.
posted 15 years ago by irishspacemonk
include document ready and standard code to run swfobject smoothly in IE6
posted 16 years ago by apro2000
Just to include and implement the SWFObject to an HTML body from a generic "/js/" directory with some basic varibles.
[applies to OLD version of SWF Object]
posted 16 years ago by mattkenefick
Handy for after submitting a form or moving sites and wanting to tell users about the change. Just change the URL (can be absolute or relative) and the timeout. Shown here as 5 seconds.
posted 18 years ago by mountainash
Patch para quitar el molesto cartel en una sola linea de codigo.
Lo interesante es que hace una cola de funciones para el "OnLoad".
Mas que nada sirve si tenes un sitio armado y tenes que meter este patch en todas tus paginas. Con la funcion "fixO...
posted 18 years ago by inakiabt
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