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Everyone's Recent HTML Snippets Tagged jquery

0 774 posted 13 years ago by cougarbreath
2 809 posted 14 years ago by tylerlin
this thing works except of course for IE which makes the bold text make a little jump like effect in the end. If anyone has a solution please let me know :) cheers! Johanna
0 675 posted 14 years ago by epictree
Here is the HTML Source to compliment the jQuery snippet.
0 816 posted 14 years ago by chrislorenz
if window.jQuery is undefined, there must have been a problem downloading the script from the CDN. In that case, proceed to the right side of the && operator, and insert a script linking to a local version of jQuery.
1 678 posted 14 years ago by touffies
if window.jQuery is undefined, there must have been a problem downloading the script from the CDN. In that case, proceed to the right side of the && operator, and insert a script linking to a local version of jQuery.
1 654 posted 14 years ago by Deej
First, we select the link with an ID of #some_id, and prevent the default event from occurring (which would be to follow the link and load the target page). We grab the original destination of the link (by retrieving the href attribute of the link we...
3 679 posted 14 years ago by jmsrie
4 971 posted 14 years ago by sb_01
0 702 posted 14 years ago by lajlev
Grab Google CDN's jQuery. Fall back to local if necessary, Taken from the HTML5 Boilerplate.
1 1042 posted 14 years ago by f6design
Source code for http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3740245
0 824 posted 14 years ago by brahn
2 921 posted 14 years ago by emanuelfelipe
0 1619 posted 14 years ago by phil7085
blank xhtml template from NetBeans 6,9 with load all google AJAX Libraries API
2 1199 posted 14 years ago by knedle
1 662 posted 14 years ago by rccc
0 1017 posted 15 years ago by typomatic
There are a lot of 'starters' out there but I wanted one with all the things I use to start a new project. I find it easier to remove lines I don't need than to hunt and peck for each item...this also makes the starter serve as a sort of 'checklist'...
2 1284 posted 15 years ago by mahalie
0 808 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
0 840 posted 15 years ago by arpit
1 733 posted 15 years ago by manatlan
This is a raw example of the nested lists structure with inherited numeration.
0 782 posted 15 years ago by frujo