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A drop down list of hair color for an online form.
0 2138 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of eye colors for an online form.
0 2257 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
This is a list of the fifty most commonly spoken languages in the United States of America. The list can be used in an online form.
0 2485 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
Drop down list for resident status for an online form.
0 1538 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
A comprehensive list of countries for an online form.
16 5529 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
Here's a quick list for collecting the race/ethnicity of a user in an online form.
0 3362 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
an HTML template for form CSS styling
11 1366 posted 17 years ago by maid450
The simple form that calls the searchYahoo function.
1 1036 posted 17 years ago by 1man
0 1065 posted 18 years ago by kaminogoya
Si alojas tus fotos en Flickr y tienes un fotolog o simplemente quieres poner un buscador de tus fotos en Flickr en tu blog, aquí tienes la forma, es muy sencillo, sólo tienes que poner el siguiente código. Donde tenéis que cambiar el ID 38901...
1 1080 posted 18 years ago by doctorlogos
A rough search form based on usage with googleboxes and xslt templates for results.
0 1903 posted 18 years ago by luxuryluke
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