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Hello Guys, This short ASP.NET code snippet is intended to provide you a brief review on how to add SMS functionality to your website. You will see, this is a very simple but smart solution. This ASP.NET application is able to send messages by usi...
0 1346 posted 9 years ago by Gupta86
A function and if statement to detect whether or not the browser is a mobile device.
0 1818 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Request the current page name relative to the home directory of the server.
0 899 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Requirement from work was to refactor an 8000 line if elseif code block to select case syntax. Not a manual task, even for a 1984 olympics button bashing champ. note, id is the test variable here, as in elseif (id ="test") then ...
0 953 posted 12 years ago by pflangan
The below script list out the available tags based on the character you enter in the Tag field and the available tags in the array. All the user submitted tags through the Tag form will be stored in an array. Use the below script to enable the auto-c...
1 847 posted 12 years ago by aruldave
0 791 posted 14 years ago by rumremix
I used to program in classic ASP and would sometimes check if a certain word or letter would be in a string with instr. if instr(haystack, needle)>0 then DO SOMETHING end if If the needle starts on the first position of the haystack, instr...
0 761 posted 14 years ago by seloh77
This is useful when you need to add logic to static html page.
0 720 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
1 892 posted 14 years ago by wizard04
This script works good condition, and not use "oAuth". Your should get username and password with cleartext (standart html controls) without authentication and just add them into variables in your code... (twitter_username and twitter_password) A...
0 852 posted 14 years ago by emregulcan
1 866 posted 14 years ago by wizard04
This function checks to see if two arrays are equal
1 831 posted 14 years ago by jlvallelonga
1 798 posted 15 years ago by timshingyu
Functions to make using regular expressions a bit easier. They're named after the respective PHP function.
2 1172 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Checks if an array has been initialized, even if it is a dynamic array.
1 897 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Learn how to emulate ASP.NET's AppendFormat method in Classic ASP. AppendFormat is essentially a simple form of concatenation in ASP.NET.
1 951 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
A quick and easy function that will output table column names and loop through your SQL recordset results outputting it into a HTML table.
2 1182 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Learn how to display the total number of Feedburner subscribers next to your 'subscribe' icon on your web site.
2 1054 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Learn how to retrieve a specific url's total number of Diggs using JQuery, ASP and the Digg API.
2 2022 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
1 811 posted 16 years ago by charmcitycoder
asp function similar to php one, to truncate long words inside a string
1 990 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
show a table with data and his column name
2 1049 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
function that return TrueVal if Condition is true else return FalseVal.
0 1096 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
When you make a login remember to use CASE SENSITIVE on password and case insensitive on username
0 934 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
similar to php ereg_replace. You can pass this pattern [^A-Za-z0-9] and "" to remove from string non alphanumerical chars: s = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]","",s) I use this function to clean input fields...
0 995 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
Learn how to create a 301 redirect for domain or home variations to improve your websites' search engine optimization.
2 1284 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
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