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If you run a query to delete old posts manually from MySQL in a WordPress database, the old tags will remain and appear in your tag cloud/listing. This allows you to identify those unused tags, and then delete them with an additional query.
posted 15 years ago by jkriddle
Recently moved my Wordpress blog to a tumblr account while I was removing a hosting account, wrote this script to do the transfer for me using Wordpress' Export feature and Tumblr's API.
It's rough around the edges but gets the job done!
posted 15 years ago by shakefon
This turns the about page into a featured category post page. The principles for just a regular custom page template with sidebars is there too.
posted 15 years ago by kristarella
This provides a teaser, with content from a custom feild, or the excerpt if no field exists. Everything except the title and edit link need to be turned off in the options.
posted 15 years ago by kristarella
this is how to automatically get short urls for your blog posts in wordpress,
What you need
is to decide which tinyurl service you will be using and get its api URL,
for example rinyurl.com , bit,ly, tr.im,
here are the api URLS for the mo...
posted 15 years ago by nerdsane
Down & Dirty Wordpress code to show specific links only to admininstrators. Can be refined using WP roles and Capabilities for more specific needs.
posted 15 years ago by goddess
Grab 5 latest Wordpress posts and display them on a non-Wordpress PHP page.
posted 15 years ago by kwilson
Use [short] in a post to insert the text from the function.
posted 15 years ago by kristarella
Put this before the loop in archive.php to have posts in the archive for category '26' sorted by custom field 'date'.
Assign sortable values like '090501' or '2009-05-01' to those fields when editing posts and your Upcoming Events will be sorted by...
posted 15 years ago by hussong
This example is adding a feature box after the first post. You can apply it to any of the hooks inside the loop.
posted 15 years ago by kristarella
This example adds tags and categories to the Thesis byline, each on a new line, and with the needed classes to match the other byline items.
The byline is generated in thesis/lib/functions/content_functions.php (v1.4.2 at the time of writing) look...
posted 15 years ago by kristarella
Load jQuery into WordPress generated pages, the wp_enqueue_script function can be used in plugins as well. OR Add and load a new script that depends on jQuery (this will also cause it to load jQuery into the page as well).
posted 15 years ago by selfmadepsyche