How to add text-to-speech and speech-to-text features to your SIP software by using Microsoft Speech Platform in C#?

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In my previous snippet I have written about converting text to speech using C#. This code snippet can be used not just for allowing your computer to read txt aloud, but also for speech recognition. To implement this functionality I used Microsoft Speech Platform 11 along with Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK. The first one provides two classes (MSSpeechPlatformSTT, MSSpeechPlatformTTS) for text-to-speech and speech-to-text, and the VoIP SDK ensures the necessary VoIP components. The source code below is ready for use, so you only need to copy&paste it to your Visual Studio, then modify the necessary fields. (Do not forget to add the necessary DLL files to your references:, )

After creating the necessary using lines and media handler objects, you can implement the text-to-speech and the voice recognition features by using the SetupTextToSpeech() and the SetupSpeechToText() methods.

Have a good time!


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