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#!/usr/bin/env python """IMAP Incremental Backup Script""" __version__ = "1.2e" # Not likely to change soon __author__ = "Rui Carmo (http://the.taoofmac.com)" __copyright__ = "(C) 2006 Rui Carmo. Code under BSD License." __contributors__ = "Bob Ippolito (fix for http://python.org/sf/1092502)" # THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DATA LOSS # See http://the.taoofmac.com/space/Projects/imapbackup.py for more information. import getpass, os, gc, sys, time, platform, getopt import mailbox, rfc822, imaplib, socket, email import StringIO, re, csv, sha, gzip, bz2 # Progress spinner spinner_pos = 0 spinner=[c.encode("utf-8") for c in unicode("|/-\\","utf-8")] def spin(i): """Display a cheesy spinner""" global spinner_pos if sys.stdin.isatty(): sys.stdout.write("\r" + spinner[spinner_pos]) sys.stdout.flush() spinner_pos+=1 spinner_pos%=len(spinner) def clean_exit(): sys.stdout.write("\n") def cli_exception(type, value, tb): if not issubclass(type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(type, value, tb) else: clean_exit() # Make sure we get a chance to clean up the display on a tty if sys.stdin.isatty(): sys.excepthook=cli_exception # Helper class for IMAP folder list parsing class mailboxlist(csv.excel): """This class is a csv dialect for parsing the IMAP folder list""" delimiter = ' ' # Hideous fix to counteract http://python.org/sf/1092502 # (which should have been fixed ages ago.) def _fixed_socket_read(self, size=-1): data = self._rbuf if size < 0: # Read until EOF buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" if self._rbufsize <= 1: recv_size = self.default_bufsize else: recv_size = self._rbufsize while True: data = self._sock.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) return "".join(buffers) else: # Read until size bytes or EOF seen, whichever comes first buf_len = len(data) if buf_len >= size: self._rbuf = data[size:] return data[:size] buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" while True: left = size - buf_len recv_size = min(self._rbufsize, left) # the actual fix data = self._sock.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) n = len(data) if n >= left: self._rbuf = data[left:] buffers[-1] = data[:left] break buf_len += n return "".join(buffers) # Platform detection to enable socket patch # (issue may be present in other Pythons, but of this combination I'm sure of) if('Darwin' in platform.platform() and '2.3.5' == platform.python_version()): socket._fileobject.read = _fixed_socket_read # Regular expressions for parsing msgmatch = re.compile("^Message\-Id\: (.+)", re.IGNORECASE + re.MULTILINE) filematch = re.compile("(.+)", re.MULTILINE) blanks = re.compile(r'\s+', re.MULTILINE) msgsize = re.compile("\d+ \(RFC822.SIZE (\d+).*\)") # Constants IMAP_PATH_SEPARATOR='/' # May be different, depending on IMAP server UUID = '19AF1258-1AAF-44EF-9D9A-731079D6FAD7' # Used to generate Message-Ids def collectFromIMAP(server, imap_folder): """Collects Message-Ids from a given IMAP folder""" server.select(imap_folder) sys.stdout.write(" IMAP: Scanning %s" % imap_folder) # List all messages typ, data = server.search(None, 'ALL') messages = {} i = 0 for num in data[0].split(): # Retrieve each individual Message-Id typ, data = server.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (MESSAGE-ID)])') header = data[0][1].strip() # remove newlines inside Message-Id (a dumb Exchange trait) header = blanks.sub(' ', header) try: id = msgmatch.match(header).group(1) if id not in messages.keys(): # avoid adding dupes messages[id] = num except: # Some messages may have no Message-Id, so we'll synthesise one # (this usually happens with Sent, Drafts and .Mac news) typ, data = server.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM TO CC DATE SUBJECT)])') header = data[0][1].strip() header = header.replace(' ','\t') messages['<' + UUID + '.' + sha.sha(header).hexdigest() + '>'] = num pass i = i + 1 spin(i) sys.stdout.write("\n IMAP: Found %d unique messages in %s.\n" % (len(messages.keys()),imap_folder)) return messages def collectFromFile(filename, compress): """Collects Message-Ids from a given mbox file""" # Most of this code is deprecated in Python > 2.3, since PortableUnixMailbox is no more messages = {} i = 0 if os.path.exists(filename): sys.stdout.write(" FILE: Scanning %s" % filename) if compress == 'gzip': handle = gzip.GzipFile(filename,'rb') elif compress == 'bzip2': handle = bz2.BZ2File(filename,'rb') else: handle = file(filename,'rb') for message in mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(handle): header = '' # We assume all messages on disk have message-ids try: header = ''.join(message.getfirstmatchingheader('message-id')) except KeyError: # No message ID was found. Warn the user and move on sys.stdout.write("\n WARNING: Message #%d on %s does not have Message-Id header: %s." % (i, filename, str(message.getfirstmatchingheader('message-id')))) pass header = blanks.sub(' ', header.strip()) try: id = msgmatch.match(header).group(1) if id not in messages.keys(): # avoid adding dupes messages[id] = id except AttributeError: # Message-Id was found but could somehow not be parsed by regexp (highly bloody unlikely) sys.stdout.write("\n WARNING: Mailbox file seems not to have been generated by this program.") sys.stdout.write("\n Message-Id scanning turned up '%s'" % header) pass i = i + 1 spin(i) handle.close() sys.stdout.write("\n FILE: Found %d unique messages in %s.\n" % (len(messages.keys()),filename)) return messages def updateMailbox(server, imap_folder, mailbox, messages, existing, compress, clobber): """Append messages from IMAP folder to existing mailbox""" server.select(imap_folder) # Check if server supports PEEK # (bit redundant to do it every time, I know...) fetch_command = "(RFC822.PEEK)" response = server.fetch("1:1", fetch_command) if response[0] != "OK": fetch_command = "RFC822" else: fetch_command = "RFC822.PEEK" i = 0 maxlength = total = 0 if clobber == True: sys.stdout.write(' COPY: Copying from %s to %s' % (imap_folder, mailbox)) else: sys.stdout.write(' APPEND: Appending from %s to %s' % (imap_folder, mailbox)) # Open disk file if compress == 'gzip': mbx = gzip.GzipFile(mailbox,'ab',9) elif compress == 'bzip2': mbx = bz2.BZ2File(mailbox,'wb',512*1024,9) else: mbx = file(mailbox,'ab') for id in messages.keys(): # If IMAP message is not in mbox file if id not in existing.keys(): # Get raw message size typ, data = server.fetch(messages[id], '(RFC822.SIZE)') length = int(msgsize.match(data[0]).group(1)) maxlength = max(length, maxlength) total = total + length # This "From" and the terminating newline below delimit messages in mbox files buffer = "From nobody %s\n" % time.strftime('%a %m %d %H:%M:%S %Y') # If this is one of our synthesised Message-Ids, insert it before the other headers if UUID in id: buffer = buffer + "Message-Id: %s\n" % id mbx.write(buffer) buffer = '' typ, data = server.fetch(messages[id], fetch_command) mbx.write(data[0][1].strip().replace('\r','')) del data gc.collect() mbx.write('\n\n') i = i + 1 spin(i) mbx.close() if i == 0: sys.stdout.write('\n INFO: No new messages.\n') else: sys.stdout.write('\n SUMMARY: Appended %d messages to %s\n (%d bytes, of which the largest message was %d bytes)\n' % (i, mailbox, total, maxlength)) def scanTree(server, compress, clobber): """Parse folder listing and loop over it""" # Obtain folder listing typ, data = server.list(pattern='*') # Parse folder listing as a CSV dialect (automatically removes quotes) reader = csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(' '.join(data)),dialect='mailboxlist') # Iterate over each folder for row in reader: imap_folder = row[2] # generate a pathname for the mailbox file # (we assume that folders can contain messages, so we store messages in a '.mbox' file # inside a pathname generated from the IMAP mailbox name) path = '/'.join(imap_folder.split(IMAP_PATH_SEPARATOR)) filename = '.'.join(imap_folder.split(IMAP_PATH_SEPARATOR)) + '.mbox' if compress == 'gzip': filename = filename + '.gz' elif compress == 'bzip2': filename = filename + '.bz2' existing = {} # Collect Message-Ids from each folder messages = collectFromIMAP(server, imap_folder) if os.path.exists(filename): if clobber == True: os.remove(filename) elif compress != 'bzip2': # Collect pre-existing Message-Ids from disk file existing = collectFromFile(filename, compress) # now copy messages across updateMailbox(server, imap_folder, filename, messages, existing, compress, clobber) def main(): """Main entry point""" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "z:s:u:p:y", ["compress=","server=", "username=","password=","yes-i-want-to-clobber-files"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "Usage: imapbackup [OPTIONS]" print "-y --yes-i-want-to-clobber-files does not try to append, or warn about bzip2 clobbering" print "-z (gzip|bzip2) --compress=(gzip|bzip2) create/append to compressed files (EXPERIMENTAL)" print " WARNING: bzip2 does not allow for appending, existing files will be clobbered." print "-s HOSTNAME --server=HOSTNAME connect to HOSTNAME" print "-u USERNAME --username=USERNAME with USERNAME" print "-p PASSWORD --password=PASSWORD with PASSWORD (you will be prompted for one if missing)" print "\nMailbox files will be created IN THE CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY" sys.exit(2) username = password = server = None clobber = False compress = 'plain' for option, value in opts: if option in ("-y", "--yes-i-want-to-clobber-files"): print "WARNING: All existing mailbox files will be overwritten!" clobber = True if option in ("-z", "--compress"): if value in ('gzip','bzip2'): compress = value else: print "ERROR: Invalid compression type specified." sys.exit(2) if option in ("-s", "--server"): server = value if option in ("-u", "--username"): username = value if option in ("-p", "--password"): password = value if compress == 'bzip2' and clobber == False: print "ERROR: bzip2 compression does not allow for appending." print" Please specify -y with it if you want to remove existing archives." sys.exit(2) elif compress == 'gzip' and clobber == False: print "WARNING: Appending will work, but .mbox.gz scanning is VERY slow." print " You may want to consider using uncompressed files and" print " running gzip -9 *.mbox after the backup run." if(server is None): print "ERROR: No server specified." sys.exit(2) if(username is None): print "ERROR: No username specified." sys.exit(2) if(password is None): password = getpass.getpass() server = imaplib.IMAP4(server) server.login(username, password) scanTree(server, compress, clobber) server.logout() if __name__ == '__main__': csv.register_dialect('mailboxlist',mailboxlist) gc.enable() main()
URL: http://the.taoofmac.com/media/Projects/imapbackup/imapbackup.py.txt