Collatz conjecture tester

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Cool little code that will test the Collatz conjecture

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  1. def mathprob_no_print(x):
  2. while x != 1:
  3. if x % 2 == 0:
  4. x = x/2
  5. else:
  6. x = 3 * x + 1
  7. if x == 1:
  8. return x
  11. def mathprob(x):
  12. string = str(x)
  13. print string+"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the starting number!"
  14. while x != 1:
  15. if x % 2 == 0:
  16. x = x/2
  17. print x
  18. else:
  19. x = 3 * x + 1
  20. print x
  21. if x == 1:
  22. return x
  24. def math_repeat(x,p):
  25. while x <= p:
  26. mathprob (x)
  27. x = x + 1
  28. if mathprob_no_print(x) != 1:
  29. print "****YAY****YAY****WE PROVED HIS CONJECTURE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!"
  30. math_repeat(1,100)

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