Vault Number Spin

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  1. //TODOWish I had more time to clean this up!
  2. //The delay count ends up here. The actual handles rotation itself is based off
  3. //of this number. The amount we rotate the handle = Max delay - current delay.
  4. public static var hardCodedDelay:Number = 0.3800000000000001;
  5. public var delayCount:Number = hardCodedDelay;
  7. //Arbitrary minimum amount of delay, before it looked like it was moving too fast.
  8. public var delayCountMin:Number = .03;
  10. //Seemed like a good value for speed up and slow down. Not too abrupt, eyeballed this. Arbitrary.
  11. public var delayChange:Number = .035;
  13. public var curIndex:int;
  15. public var spinIndexCount:int;
  16. public var curSpinPos:int = 0;
  18. public function Spin():void
  19. {
  20. //Returns the index of the sceneobject's layer.
  21. //We cycle through each of the layers (ordered in a clockwise fashion.
  23. //So, get the current target, and move the target index forward.
  24. var targetPos:int =
  25. ReturnTargetPosition(spinTargets[spinTargetIndex++].target);
  27. //how far off are we currently from the target position.
  28. var posDifference:int = targetPos - curSpinPos;
  29. //How many times we want to go around the frame.
  30. var spinsAroundFrameCount:int = 2;
  32. //Start the delay count low.
  33. delayCount = .15;
  34. wheelState = WHEEL_START;
  36. //This many indices until we reach our target.
  37. spinIndexCount = spinsAroundFrameCount * vaultIndicesArr.length + posDifference;
  39. SpinNextIndex();
  40. }
  42. public function SpinNextIndex():void
  43. {
  44. var curSpinPosNum:DI_V_VaultFrame_Number = vaultIndicesArr[curSpinPos];
  46. //Less than eleven(arbitrary) targets, slow down.
  47. if(spinIndexCount < 10)
  48. {
  49. wheelState = WHEEL_SLOW;
  50. }
  52. //Call to a function that tweens the current icon's from its selected colour,
  53. //back to its resting state.
  54. curSpinPosNum.TriggerRollover();
  56. //If we have just spun, we set the state to WHEEL_START
  57. if(wheelState == WHEEL_START)
  58. {
  59. delayCount -= delayChange;
  61. if(delayCount < delayCountMin)
  62. {
  63. delayCount = delayCountMin;
  65. wheelState = WHEEL_SPIN;
  66. }
  67. }
  68. //Slowing down, add to delay.
  69. else if(wheelState == WHEEL_SLOW)
  70. {
  71. delayCount += delayChange;
  72. }
  74. //Lets advance the spin pos for the next time this function is called.
  75. if(++curSpinPos == vaultIndicesArr.length) {curSpinPos = 0;}
  77. //Reduce the spin index count, check if we have hit zero yet.
  78. if(spinIndexCount-- > 0)
  79. {
  80. //If we haven't cue up our next spin with its modified delayCount.
  81. TweenMax.delayedCall(delayCount, SpinNextIndex);
  82. }
  83. else
  84. {
  85. //OTherwise, we're done, lets pass the current VaultFrame_Number to handle being landed on.
  86. TweenMax.delayedCall(.5, LandedOnIndex, [curSpinPosNum]);
  87. }
  88. }

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