Ternary Counting In C

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Here's a fairly useless but fun piece of code: counting in base 3. This takes in a number of digits and counts up in ternary. Be warned, though. The algorithm is (for obvious reasons) O(n^3), where n is the number of digits. Actually probably theta(n^3), since n^3 is both the upper and lower bound. Either way, it spits out 531,441 possibilities for 12 digits, so be careful not to run it on too many digits.

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  1. int countInTernary(int numdigits) {
  2. char num[numdigits+1];
  3. memset(num, '0', sizeof num);
  4. num[numdigits] = 0;
  5. char *curIndex = &num[numdigits-1];
  6. char *end = &num[numdigits-1];
  7. char *start = &num[0];
  8. bool done = false;
  10. while (!done) {
  11. printf("%s\n", num);
  12. if (*curIndex < '2') {
  13. (*curIndex)++;
  14. } else {
  15. /* move left until you find a number < 2 */
  16. while (curIndex >= start && *curIndex == '2') {
  17. --curIndex;
  18. }
  19. if (curIndex < start) {
  20. done = true;
  21. } else {
  22. (*curIndex)++;
  23. while (curIndex < end) {
  24. curIndex++;
  25. *curIndex = '0';
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  30. return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  31. }

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