Query to find Parameters and Value Sets associated with a Concurrent Program

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This query will retrieve a list of the parameters and value sets based on a provided concurrent program user name

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  2. fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name "Concurrent Program Name",
  3. fcp.concurrent_program_name "Short Name",
  4. fdfcuv.column_seq_num "Column Seq Number",
  5. fdfcuv.end_user_column_name "Parameter Name",
  6. fdfcuv.form_left_prompt "Prompt",
  7. fdfcuv.enabled_flag " Enabled Flag",
  8. fdfcuv.required_flag "Required Flag",
  9. fdfcuv.display_flag "Display Flag",
  10. fdfcuv.flex_value_set_id "Value Set Id",
  11. ffvs.flex_value_set_name "Value Set Name",
  12. flv.meaning "Default Type",
  13. fdfcuv.DEFAULT_VALUE "Default Value"
  14. FROM
  15. fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
  16. fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpl,
  17. fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl fdfcuv,
  18. fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,
  19. fnd_lookup_values flv
  20. WHERE
  21. fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcpl.concurrent_program_id
  22. AND fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name = :conc_prg_name
  23. AND fdfcuv.descriptive_flexfield_name = '$SRS$.'
  24. || fcp.concurrent_program_name
  25. AND ffvs.flex_value_set_id = fdfcuv.flex_value_set_id
  26. AND flv.lookup_type(+) = 'FLEX_DEFAULT_TYPE'
  27. AND flv.lookup_code(+) = fdfcuv.default_type
  29. AND flv.LANGUAGE(+) = USERENV ('LANG')
  30. ORDER BY fdfcuv.column_seq_num;

URL: http://imdjkoch.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/query-to-find-parameters-and-value-sets-associated-with-a-concurrent-program/

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