update/edit vb access

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edit database using vb + access

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  1. Private Sub EditRental()
  2. Dim RentalDR As DataRow = frmRental.dsRental.RENTAL.Rows.Find(CInt(lblID.Text))
  3. uProceed = True '-- not needed for basic edit/update
  5. Try
  6. '' Edit anything you want to edit
  7. RentalDR.BeginEdit()
  8. RentalDR("rDate") = Format(dtpDate.Value, My.Settings.DateFormat)
  9. RentalDR("rDesc") = txtDesc.Text
  10. RentalDR("rAmount") = CDbl(txtAmount.Text)
  11. RentalDR("rStatus") = cmbStatus.Text
  12. RentalDR.EndEdit()
  13. Catch ex As Exception
  14. iProceed = False ' Block procedures if exception happens.
  15. MessageBox.Show("Please check your input. Make sure all input is correct.", "Invalid Input(s)", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
  16. End Try
  18. If uProceed = True Then
  19. Try
  20. frmRental.daRental.Update(frmRental.dsRental)
  21. MessageBox.Show("Database successfully updated.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
  23. Me.Close()
  24. Catch ex As Exception
  25. MessageBox.Show("Somehow I cannot update the database. =(", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
  26. End Try
  27. End If
  28. End Sub

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