Toggle show/hide a div by hovering another item

/ Published in: JavaScript
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. $(document).ready(function() {
  3. var hide = false;
  4. jQuery("img.shadow").hover(function(){
  5. if (hide) clearTimeout(hide);
  6. jQuery(".post_share").fadeIn();
  7. }, function() {
  8. hide = setTimeout(function() {jQuery(".post_share").fadeOut("slow");}, 250);
  9. });
  10. jQuery(".post_share").hover(function(){
  11. if (hide) clearTimeout(hide);
  12. }, function() {
  13. hide = setTimeout(function() {jQuery("post_share").fadeOut("slow");}, 250);
  14. });
  15. });
  16. </script>

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