„prvo dijete, sljedeći brat“

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  1. #include <windows.h>
  2. #include <iostream>
  4. #define MAX_D 10
  5. #define LAMBD -1
  6. #define M_V_P 18
  7. #define R_X 5
  8. #define R_Y 2
  10. #include "ostablo1.h"
  12. using namespace std;
  14. void gotoxy(int x,int y){
  15. COORD coord;
  16. coord.X=x;
  17. coord.Y=y;
  18. SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),coord);
  19. }
  21. void ispis(node n,tree *t){
  22. node cvor = FirstChildT(n,t);
  23. cout << " " << LabelT(n,t) << endl;
  24. while(cvor!=LAMBD){
  25. ispis(cvor,t);
  26. cvor=NextSiblingT(cvor,t);
  27. }
  28. }
  29. int broji(node n,tree *t){
  30. int br=0;
  31. node cvor = FirstChildT(n,t);
  32. while(cvor!=LAMBD){
  33. br++;
  34. cvor = NextSiblingT(cvor,t);
  35. }
  36. return br;
  37. }
  38. void crtaj(int x,int y,node n,tree *t){
  39. int pomak = broji(n,t);
  40. node cvor = FirstChildT(n,t);
  41. x-=(pomak*pomak);
  42. gotoxy(x,y);
  43. cout << LabelT(n,t);
  44. y+=R_Y;
  45. while(cvor!=LAMBD){
  46. x+=R_X;
  47. crtaj(x-pomak*4,y,cvor,t);
  48. cvor = NextSiblingT(cvor,t);
  49. }
  50. }
  52. int main(){
  53. tree *t;
  54. t=InitT("0",t);
  56. int c, i=1, izb, minus=0;
  57. char str[10];
  58. char greska[MAX_D];
  59. strcpy(greska,"Greska ");
  61. do{
  62. system("cls");
  63. printf(" 1. Dodaj element u stablo\n");
  64. printf(" 2. Ispis stabla\n");
  65. printf(" 3. Obrisi vrijednost iz stabla\n");
  66. printf(" 9.Izlaz ");
  67. printf("\n--------------------\n Izbor : ");
  68. cin >> izb;
  69. system("cls");
  70. printf("\n\n");
  71. switch(izb){
  72. case 1: do{
  73. gotoxy(0,0);
  74. cout << "> "; cin >> c;
  75. system("cls");
  76. if(c!=-1 && c<i-minus){
  77. itoa(i++,str,10);
  78. if(CreateT(str,c,t)){
  79. gotoxy(1,1);
  80. strcat(greska,str);
  81. cout << greska << endl;
  82. strcpy(greska,"Greska ");
  83. }
  84. crtaj(60,2,RootT(t),t);
  85. }
  86. }while(c!=-1);
  87. crtaj(60,2,RootT(t),t);
  88. break;
  89. case 2: ispis(0,t);
  90. break;
  91. case 3: crtaj(60,2,RootT(t),t);
  92. gotoxy(0,0); cout <<"Brisi : "; cin >> c;
  93. minus+=broji(c,t);
  94. DeleteT(c,t);
  95. system("cls");
  96. crtaj(60,2,RootT(t),t);
  97. }
  98. printf("\n\n");
  99. system("pause>NUL");
  100. }while(izb!=9);
  101. }

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