toggle "org-agenda-include-todo"

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This is a way to toggle the todos without a deadline or date in the org-mode agenda views

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. ;; This function makes it easier to toggle variables
  2. (defun toggle-variable (var)
  3. "toggles boolean variable"
  4. (interactive "vToggle variable: ")
  5. (set var (not (symbol-value var)))
  6. (message "%s set to %s" var (symbol-value var))
  7. )
  8. ;; toggle agenda view todos
  9. (defun toggle-agenda-include-all-todo()
  10. "toggle the truncate-lines variable between true and false"
  11. (interactive)
  12. (toggle-variable 'org-agenda-include-all-todo)
  13. (org-agenda-redo)
  14. )
  15. (global-set-key [f3] 'toggle-agenda-include-all-todo)
  16. ;;;

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