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  1. <h1 class="title" id="page-title">
  2. Node Title
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  7. <span class="submitted">Submitted by canary on Sat, 2010-05-22 17:10</span>
  8. <div class="terms terms-inline">
  9. <ul class="links inline">
  10. <li class="taxonomy_term_6 first">
  11. <a href=
  12. "/category/news-posts/announcements" rel=
  13. "tag" title=
  14. "News posts that reference announcements.">
  15. announcements</a>
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  24. <a href="/category/news-categories/events" rel="tag" title="News posts that reference events.">events</a>
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  27. <a href="/category/news-categories/newsletter" rel="tag" title="News posts that reference the newsletter.">newsletter</a>
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  30. <a href="/category/tags/safr/vo" rel="tag" title="description of vo">vo</a>
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  33. <a href="/category/news-categories/photos" rel="tag" title="News posts that reference photos.">photos</a>
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  36. <a href="/category/news-categories/press" rel="tag" title="News posts that reference press.">press</a>
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  48. <p>
  49. node (post) - Capto consequat jugis. Molior
  50. vindico dolor uxor. Paratus dolore validus
  51. causa esse sed elit. Olim luptatum
  52. iriure.Jugis eum blandit ibidem volutpat nisl
  53. vereor ibidem. Brevitas appellatio ulciscor
  54. melior eum occuro. Nutus odio cogo luptatum
  55. iustum. Iriure minim exerci exputo. Verto ex
  56. probo quis melior damnum abdo. Refero nostrud
  57. vero. Suscipere meus quae immitto.</p>
  58. <p> Autem
  59. adipiscing genitus. Feugiat utrum duis cogo
  60. commoveo ille quidne cogo. Iriure saluto
  61. letalis meus diam mauris blandit importunus
  62. aptent. Te pagus neo utrum proprius sino
  63. lobortis augue lobortis vulpes.
  64. </p>
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  70. <h3><a href="/content/eum-neque#comment-2" class="active">This is another comment.</a></h3>
  71. <div class="submitted">
  72. Submitted by canary on Tue, 2010-06-01 00:46.
  73. </div>
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  75. <p>This is another comment.</p>
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  84. <h3>
  85. <a href="/content/eum-neque#comment-1" class="active">This is a comment. First!</a>
  86. </h3>
  87. <div class="submitted">
  88. Submitted by canary on Tue, 2010-06-01 00:46.
  89. </div>
  90. <div class="content">
  91. <p>
  92. This is a comment. First!
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