Product reload in Spree

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  1. Processing Admin::ProductsController#update (for at 2009-12-01 12:29:06) [PUT]
  2. Parameters: {"action"=>"update", "_method"=>"put", "authenticity_token"=>"r+KLUyyvKNpX1GCON0Sk9FynxDeQJucxVlf7zexTcyA=", "id"=>"adsf", "product"=>{"price"=>"3.0", "name"=>"adsf", "tax_category_id"=>"", "available_on"=>"", "shipping_category_id"=>"", "depth"=>"", "non_stock_url"=>"sfg", "weight"=>"", "meta_description"=>"", "meta_keywords"=>"", "on_hand"=>"0", "height"=>"", "sku"=>"", "description"=>"qwre", "width"=>""}, "controller"=>"admin/products"}
  3. Taxonomy Load (0.8ms) SELECT * FROM `taxonomies`
  4. Taxonomy Columns (1.0ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `taxonomies`
  5. Product Columns (1.5ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `products`
  6. SQL (1.0ms) SHOW TABLES
  7. Property Columns (0.9ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `properties`
  8. Property Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM `properties` WHERE (`properties`.`name` = 'brand') LIMIT 1
  9. SQL (0.8ms) SHOW TABLES
  10. Taxon Load (0.3ms) SELECT `taxons`.* FROM `taxons` WHERE (`taxons`.taxonomy_id IN (475199832,854451430) AND (parent_id is null))
  11. Taxon Columns (1.0ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `taxons`
  12. Taxon Load (0.5ms) SELECT `taxons`.* FROM `taxons` WHERE (`taxons`.parent_id IN (20000,1000)) ORDER BY position
  13. SQL (0.9ms) SHOW TABLES
  14. AppConfiguration Columns (0.9ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `configurations`
  15. AppConfiguration Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM `configurations` WHERE (`configurations`.`name` = 'Default configuration') AND ( (`configurations`.`type` = 'AppConfiguration' ) ) LIMIT 1
  16. Cache hit: Spree::Config ({})
  17. User Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = '1') LIMIT 1
  18. SQL (0.1ms) BEGIN
  19. Role Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM `roles` WHERE (`roles`.`name` = 'user') LIMIT 1
  20. roles_users Columns (0.9ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `roles_users`
  21. Role Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM `roles` INNER JOIN `roles_users` ON `roles`.id = `roles_users`.role_id WHERE (`roles_users`.user_id = 1 )
  22. User Update (0.2ms) UPDATE `users` SET `updated_at` = '2009-12-01 17:29:07', `perishable_token` = '-Z7t4fbVmXV7N9rcyY27', `last_request_at` = '2009-12-01 17:29:07' WHERE `id` = 1
  23. SQL (0.4ms) COMMIT
  24. TaxCategory Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM `tax_categories` ORDER BY name
  25. ShippingCategory Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM `shipping_categories` ORDER BY name
  26. Product Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE (`products`.`permalink` = 'adsf') LIMIT 1
  27. CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE (`products`.`permalink` = 'adsf') LIMIT 1

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