Check cygwin apps for base conflicts

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From: "Pierre A. Humblet"
The attached script takes the name of a .exe or .dll,
uses cygcheck to find the dll dependence and checks for conflicts.

This will allow you to check your favorite applications or dlls,
seeing if --enable-auto-image-base works for you.

A "conflict" is when the end of a dll overlaps the start of the next one.
A "guard conflict" includes the extra 0x10000 mentioned by Jason in this thread.
They occur with Windows dlls, not sure if that's a real issue.

I have extended the tool (attached) so that it takes a variable number
of arguments. You can check a program and all the dll's it might ever
load dynamically, or all the dll's in /bin, or whatever.
cygcheck will search the PATH if necessary.

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