Put LaTeX equations into HTML

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The preprocessor gladtex allows you to put LaTeX equations into HTML files. I have found its output neater than that of other such formatters.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <!-- displayed equation: -->
  2. <center><eq>
  3. U = \sum\limits_{s_1\in S_1} \sum\limits_{s_2\in S_2}
  4. \left\{ \begin{matrix} 1 & \hbox{if } s_1 > s_2 \cr
  5. 0 & \hbox{otherwise}\hfill\end{matrix} \right.
  6. </eq></center>
  8. <!-- inline equation: -->
  9. <p>
  10. Consider the binomial coefficient <eq>\textstyle \left(2\;m \atop m\right)</eq>.
  11. </p>
  13. <!-- running gladtex will render the equations as images and generate HTML to include them -->

URL: http://folk.uio.no/martingu/gladtex/

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