Parse Zapier apps list

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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. d = []; $('body').append('<table id="kuku"></table>');
  2. $('li.service').each(function() {
  3. line = {
  4. type: ($(this).attr('data-description').match('<div>(.*)</div>'))[1],
  5. //href: $(this).find('a').attr('href'),
  6. name: $(this).find('a p').text(),
  7. desc: $(this).attr('data-description')
  8. };
  9. d.push(line);
  10. $('#kuku').append('<tr><td>''</td><td>'+line.type+'</td><td>'+line.desc+'</td></tr>')
  11. });


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