Easy Namespacing

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Easy Namespacing
This version doesn't require JavaScript 1.8


`"foo.bar.baz".namespace()` makes `foo.bar.baz`

`"foo::bar::baz".namespace("::")` makes `foo.bar.baz`

`namespace.call(obj, ns[, separator])` extends `ns` (split by separator or ".") onto `obj`

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. function namespace(fullNS, separator) {
  2. var parent = this;
  3. fullNS.split(separator || '.').forEach(function(ns) {
  4. parent = parent[ns] = parent[ns] || {}
  5. });
  6. }
  8. String.prototype.namespace = function(separator, thisp) {
  9. namespace.call((thisp||window), this, separator);
  10. };

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