Data Connection Control in ASP.NET 3.5

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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <!-- This code goes into the page as a control !-->
  3. <asp:SqlDataSource
  4. ID="[enterid]"
  5. runat="server"
  6. ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:[enter database connection name] %>"
  7. SelectCommand="[enter sql string]"
  8. UpdateCommand="[enter sql string]">
  9. <UpdateParameters>
  10. <asp:Parameter Name="intConv" Type="Int32" />
  11. </UpdateParameters>
  12. <SelectParameters>
  13. <asp:ControlParameter
  14. ControlID="gvPlayerList"
  15. Name="idPlayerID"
  16. PropertyName="SelectedValue"
  17. Type="Decimal" />
  18. </SelectParameters>
  19. </asp:SqlDataSource>

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