Groovy delegate, owner, this references.

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This, owner, and delegate:
this : as in Java, this refers to the instance of the enclosing class where a Closure is defined
owner : the enclosing object (this or a surrounding closure)
delegate : by default the same as owner, but changeable.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. class Class1 {
  2. def closure = {
  3. println
  4. def nestedClos = {
  5. println
  6. }
  7. nestedClos()
  8. }
  9. }
  11. def clos = new Class1().closure
  12. clos.delegate = this
  13. clos()
  14. /*prints:
  15.  Class1
  16.  Script1
  17.  Class1$_closure1 */

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