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Revision: 9579
at October 1, 2009 17:39 by jimfred

Updated Code
// Using the debugger (without changing code) see:

// Includes...
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

// Set this debug flag

// break on a particular allocation as indicated in visual studio as {145}.
_crtBreakAlloc = 145;

Revision: 9578
at November 12, 2008 16:23 by jimfred

Initial Code
// Includes...
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

// Set this debug flag

// break on a particular allocation as indicated in visual studio as {145}.
_crtBreakAlloc = 145;

Initial URL

Initial Description
The Visual Studio output window will display "Detected memory leaks!" with a memory allocation number, for example, {145}. See Memory Leak Detection Enabling.

Using the debugger (without changing code) see:

Initial Title
Visual Studio debug tools to detect and debug memory leaks by setting a breakpoint on a particular memory allocation.

Initial Tags

Initial Language