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Revision: 9510
at November 10, 2008 19:42 by rengber

Initial Code
public class LendingRates
    public List<BLRate> GetLendingRates()
        . . . 
        List<DLRate> ldlr = dlObject.GetLendingRates(date);

        List<BLRate> lblr = ldar.ConvertAll(new Converter<DLRate, BLRate>(RateToRateConverterMethod)); 
        return lblr
    . . .         
    public static BLRate RateToRateConverterMethod(DLRate dr)
        return new BLRate(dr.Name, dr.Value);

Initial URL

Initial Description
This technique can convert a list of one type into a list of another in a single line given and instance to instance conversion method to be passed to the delegate constructor.

Initial Title
Generic Convert

Initial Tags

Initial Language