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Revision: 64625
at August 30, 2013 07:56 by R33D

Initial Code
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

/* in a for loop first you 
define the int, 
then you type the condition 
i is less than 20 loop is active 
3rd expression: what do you want to happen 
at the end of each loop, add 1 for instance
i = i + 1 aka I++ 
i = i + 2 
I += 2 
I += 3
n = n - 1 
n -- 
n = n - 2; 
n -= 2;

Initial URL

Initial Description
In Processing: This is a basic example of a "for" loop. Relevant to almost any language.

Initial Title
Basic "for loop" Processing

Initial Tags

Initial Language