Revision: 63204
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at April 16, 2013 16:39 by deanhouseholder
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; Program: LockScreen utility ; Author: Dean Householder ; Website: ; Version: 1.3 9/28/2012 ; Copyright: GPL #SingleInstance, Force #Persistent IniPath = %A_WorkingDir%\LockScreen.ini If !A_IsCompiled Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\LockScreen.ico Else Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptName% IfNotExist, %IniPath% { FileAppend, , %IniPath%, CP0 IniWrite, ^6, %IniPath%, LockScreen, LockHotkeyStart IniWrite, F10, %IniPath%, LockScreen, LockHotkeyEnd IniWrite, true, %IniPath%, LockScreen, TurnOffScreen IniWrite, true, %IniPath%, LockScreen, RunScreenSaver IniWrite, 1, %IniPath%, LockScreen, UnlockDuration } IniRead, LockHotkeyStart, %IniPath%, LockScreen, LockHotkeyStart IniRead, LockHotkeyEnd, %IniPath%, LockScreen, LockHotkeyEnd IniRead, LockHotkeyEnd, %IniPath%, LockScreen, LockHotkeyEnd IniRead, TurnOffScreen, %IniPath%, LockScreen, TurnOffScreen IniRead, RunScreenSaver, %IniPath%, LockScreen, RunScreenSaver IniRead, UnlockDuration, %IniPath%, LockScreen, UnlockDuration Hotkey, %LockHotkeyStart%, StartLock, UseErrorLevel Hotkey, %LockHotkeyEnd%, EndLock, UseErrorLevel Return ~ESC:: Reload Return StartLock: IfWinNotExist, BlackScreen1 ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI { SetFormat Integer, Dec SysGet, Monitors, MonitorCount ; Count monitors Loop, %Monitors% ; Loop through each monitor { SysGet, Mon%A_Index%, Monitor, %A_Index% ; Get this monitor's stats Width := Mon%A_Index%Right - Mon%A_Index%Left Height := Mon%A_Index%Bottom - Mon%A_Index%Top ;MsgBox, % "Left: " Mon%A_Index%Left " | Top: " Mon%A_Index%Top " | Right: " Mon%A_Index%Right " | Bottom: " Mon%A_Index%Bottom "`n" Width "x" Height ; Create a large black window to cover all other windows for each monitor Gui %A_Index%: -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop Gui %A_Index%: Color, Black Gui %A_Index%: Font, s36 c555555 Gui %A_Index%: Add, Text, % "x" Width//2-85 " y" Height//2-80, Locked Gui %A_Index%: Show, % "x" Mon%A_Index%Left " y" Mon%A_Index%Top " w" Width " h" Height Hide, BlackScreen%A_Index% Gui %A_Index%: Show } IfEqual, RunScreenSaver, true { RegRead, ScreenSaver, HKCU, Control Panel\Desktop, SCRNSAVE.EXE If (ScreenSaver != "") { Run, %ScreenSaver% /s ; Start the Screen Saver ;SendMessage, 0x112, 0xF140, 0,, Program Manager ; 0x112 is WM_SYSCOMMAND -- 0xF140 is SC_SCREENSAVE } } IfEqual, TurnOffScreen, true { SetFormat Integer, Hex Loop 255 ; Loop through every character { Hotkey % "*vk" SubStr(A_Index+256,4), TurnOffScreen ; Set a hotkey for each character to turn off screen--very annoying } } WinActivate, BlackScreen1 ; Try to cover up the start bar } Return EndLock: IfWinExist BlackScreen1 ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI { KeyWait, %LockHotkeyEnd%, T%UnlockDuration% ; Expect the end Lockkey to be pressed for one second If ErrorLevel { SetFormat Integer, Dec SysGet, Monitors, MonitorCount ; Count monitors again in case it changed while locked Loop, %Monitors% { Gui %A_Index%: Destroy ; Kill previous black screen GUI's } SetFormat Integer, Hex Loop 255 ; Loop through every character { Hotkey % "*vk" SubStr(A_Index+256,4), Off } Send, {Shift} ; Press a key to wake up the screensaver Reload } } Return TurnOffScreen: SendMessage, 0x112, 0xF170, 2,, Program Manager ; Turn off the monitor(s) Return
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This is a script. It runs on Windows and allows you to lock your computer by simply hitting a single key combination and unlock it with a different one. Download the whole script at the url listed.
Initial Title
Quickly lock your PC and turn off the screen
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