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Revision: 58757
at August 1, 2012 19:08 by feeela

Initial Code
 * Generate salted password, using new salt or exiting one from the password itself.
 * @param string $plainTextPassword
 * @param string $salt default = NULL (create new salt)
 * @param int $saltLength default = 9 (the salt is the first X chars of the password hash)
 * @return string password-hash
function passwordHash( $plainTextPassword, $salt = null, $saltLength = 9 )
	if( is_null( $salt ) )
		// create new salt
		$salt = substr( sha1( uniqid( mt_rand(), true) ), 0, $saltLength );
		$salt = substr( $salt, 0, $saltLength );
	return $salt . hash( 'sha256', $salt . $plainTextPassword );

/* create new password */
$newPassword = passwordHash( 'plaintext_password_from_user_input', null );

/* check given plaintext password against hashed one from database */
// query the password hash from the database; $row is a single result row
if( $row['password'] == passwordHash( 'plaintext_password_from_user_input', $row['password'] ) )
	/* the users password was correct, login successful */

Initial URL

Initial Description
Simple password hashing function without recursion using a salt, that is stored together with the password.

Initial Title
passwordHash() – generate salted passwords

Initial Tags

Initial Language