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Revision: 6415
at May 20, 2008 13:10 by mattkenefick

Initial Code
function timeFromNow($timestamp,$detailed=false, $max_detail_levels=8, $precision_level='second'){
		$now = timezone_makeDate('',time());
		#If the difference is positive "ago" - negative "away"
		($timestamp >= $now) ? $action = 'away' : $action = 'ago';
		# Set the periods of time
		$periods = array( "m", "h", "d", "w", "mon", "y");
		$lengths = array( 60, 3600, 86400, 604800, 2630880, 31570560);
		$diff = ($action == 'away' ? $timestamp - $now : $now - $timestamp);
		$prec_key = array_search($precision_level,$periods);
		# round diff to the precision_level
		$diff = round(($diff/$lengths[$prec_key]))*$lengths[$prec_key];
		# if the diff is very small, display for ex "just seconds ago"
		if ($diff <= 10) {
			$periodago = max(0,$prec_key-1);
			$agotxt = $periods[$periodago];
			return "just $agotxt $action";
		# Go from decades backwards to seconds
		$time = "";
			for ($i = (sizeof($lengths) - 1); $i>=1; $i--) {
				if($diff > $lengths[$i-1] && ($max_detail_levels > 0)) {       	 	# if the difference is greater than the length we are checking... continue
					$val = floor($diff / $lengths[$i-1]);    						# 65 / 60 = 1.  That means one minute.  130 / 60 = 2. Two minutes.. etc
					$time .= $val ."". $periods[$i-1].($val > 1 ? ' ' : ' ');  	# The value, then the name associated, then add 's' if plural
					$diff -= ($val * $lengths[$i-1]);   							# subtract the values we just used from the overall diff so we can find the rest of the information
					if(!$detailed) { $i = 0; }    									# if detailed is turn off (default) only show the first set found, else show all information
		# Basic error checking.
		if($time == "") {
			return "Unable to calculate time";
		} else {
			return $time.$action;


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
PHP: TimeFromNow

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