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Revision: 55026
at January 23, 2012 07:18 by szeros

Initial Code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

//----------------Structure array--------------//
typedef struct stam{
	char name[30];
	char ID[10];
	char address[30];
	int adults, children; // erkev mishpaha
	double fee;  // dmey manuyot 
//--------------structure array---------------//

//-----------All Function declearations---------------//
subscriber* add_subscribers(subscriber * club, int * size);
subscriber *del_subscriber(subscriber *club, int *size, char *id);
void  print_subscribers (subscriber * club, int size);
void id_sorting(subscriber * club, int size);
void  fee_sorting(subscriber * club, int size);
void menu();
//---------------All Function declearations------------//

//-------------------------------*****VOID MAIN - MAIN FUNCTION*****-------------------------------//
void main()
	//---Declearation of Variables--//
	int option, size = 0, count = 1;
	char id[10];
	subscriber *subs = NULL;

		printf("\tWelcome To Pool Club!\n\n");
		menu(); // MENU FOR USER

		scanf("%d", &option);
		case(1):        // Option 1 - Add Subscriber
				subs = add_subscribers(subs, &size);                 
		case(2):       // Option 2 - Delete Subscriber
				fflush(stdin);     //for Solving the conflict of SCANF and GETS in one function 
				printf("Enter ID for deleting\n");
				subs = del_subscriber(subs, &size, id);
		case(3):     // Option 3 - Print Subscribers
				print_subscribers (subs, size);

		case(4):     // Option 4 - Sort By ID
				id_sorting(subs, size);
		case(5):     // Option 5 - Sort By Fee
				fee_sorting(subs, size);
		case(6):    // Option 6 - Exit from Program
				printf("Invaild option has been entered, Try again!\n"); //if the option is not in the range (1 - 6)

//------------------------------------------------------*****END VOID MAIN - MAIN FUNCTION*****----------------------------------------------//

//-------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!First Function - Add Subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!------------------------------------------------------//
subscriber* add_subscribers(subscriber * club, int * size)
	//----------Declearations of function 2-------//
	int i, newsize = 0, scount = 1, j = 0;
    subscriber *newsubs;

	printf("Enter number of subscribers for adding:\n");
		scanf("%d", &newsize);                    //Entering buffer size for enterig new subscribers to.

		newsubs = (subscriber*)malloc(sizeof(subscriber)*(*size+newsize));           //Creating dynamic buffer for subscribers.

	}while ((newsubs == NULL)&&printf("Memory allocation failed! - Not enough memory in system, enter smaller number!:\n\n"));   //Cheacking if dynamic mem aloc is succeed.

	//---------------Loop for filling (dynamic array) information for subscribers-----------------------------//
	for (i = 0; i < newsize; i++)
		printf("Please Enter the folowing information for the subscriber [%d]:\n\n", scount);     
		printf("Enter Name of subscriber:\n");
		printf("Enter Address of subscriber:\n");
		printf("Enter ID of subscriber:\n");
		printf("Enter number of adults of subscriber:\n");
		scanf("%d", &newsubs[i].adults);
		printf("Enter number of children of subscriber:\n");
		scanf("%d", &newsubs[i].children);

		newsubs[i].fee = ((newsubs[i].adults*2000) + (newsubs[i].children*900));
		printf("The fee of subscriber is: %.1lf\n\n", newsubs[i].fee);

	//---------------------------Loop for copying the old buffer to new allocated buffer---------------------//
	for (i = newsize; i < *size+newsize; i++)
		newsubs[i] = club[j];

	//------------------------------------------Free the old buffer and return the new one-------------------//
	*size = *size+newsize;

	return newsubs;
//-----------------------------------!!!!!End First Function!!!!!!-----------------------------------//

//----------------------------!!!!!!FUNCTION TWO - DELETING SUBSCRIBERS!!!!!!!-------------------------------//
subscriber *del_subscriber(subscriber *club, int *size, char *id)
	//-----------------Function 2 Declearations------------//
	int i, j = 0, index = 0;
	subscriber *newsubs;

	//---------------Loop for searching the id fr deleting----------------------//
	for (i = 0; i < *size; i++)
		if (strcmp(club[i].ID, id) == 0)                    
			index = i;
			break;                  //if found - do not continue (break)

	//----------------------Case that index (of ID) not found in the loop below----------//
	if (i == *size)
		printf ("ID: [%d] is not found!!!\n\n", id);
		return club;

	//-----------------------------If index (ID) found - do the following------------------------//
		newsubs = (subscriber*)malloc((*size-1)*sizeof(subscriber));        //Dynamically allocated memory for new buffer

		//--------------------------------------Checking if allocation is succeed---------------------------//
		if (newsubs == NULL)
			printf ("Deleting subscriber is failed! - The memory allocation is failed!\n\n");
			return club;

		//----------------------------------Coping the old buffer to new one withount the index (of ID)-----//
		for (i = 0; i < *size; i++)
			if (i != index)
				newsubs[j++] = club[i];

		printf ("The ID: [%d] removed successcfuly\n\n", id);
		free(club);                    //Free old buffer
		*size = *size-1;

		//----------------------------in case that buffer left empty--------------------------------------//
		if (*size == 0)
			newsubs = NULL;

		return newsubs;              //Return the new buffer
//------------------------------------------!!!!!!!!END FUNCTION TWO!!!!!!!!-------------------------------------------------//

//--------------------------------------------FUNCTION THREE - PRINT ALL SSUBSCRIBERS--------------------------------------------//
void  print_subscribers (subscriber * club, int  size)
	int i;  // Declearations of func 3

	//---------------------------------------------IF buffer is empty---------------------//
	if (club == NULL)                                       
		printf("There are no subscribers!\n\n");

	//------------------IF NOT - Loop for printing all subscribers that exist in buffer-----------------//
		printf("The list of subscribers:\n\n");

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
			printf("%s\t\t", club[i].name);
			printf("%s\t\t", club[i].address);
			printf("%s\t\t", club[i].ID);
			printf("%.1lf\n", club[i].fee);
//-------------------------------!!!!!END FUNCTION THREE!!!!!-----------------------------//

//-------------------------------!!!!!FUNCTION FOUR - SORTING SUBSCRIBERS BY ID!!!!!-----------------------//
void id_sorting(subscriber * club, int size)
	int i, j, result = 0;   //Declearations fo func 4

	if (club != NULL)           //IF buffer is not empty
		subscriber temp_arr;           //Temporary structure for coping

		//---------------------------Loop for comparing index and sorting--------------------//
		for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
		for (j = 0 ; j < size-i-1 ; j++)
			result = strcmp (club[j].ID, club[j+1].ID);
			if (result > 0)
				temp_arr = club[j]; 

		printf("The array sorting by ID is succeeded!\n\n");
	else         //IF Buffer Is Empty
		printf("The array is empty! Nothing to sort!\n\n");
//------------------------------------------!!!!!END FUNCTION FOUR!!!!!---------------------------------------//

//------------------------------------------!!!!FUNCTION FIVE - SORTING SUBSCRIBERS BY FEE!!!!!------------//
void  fee_sorting(subscriber * club, int size)
	//----------------Declearations of function 5-----------//
	int i, j; 
	subscriber temp_arr;

	if (club != NULL) //IF Buffer Is NOT Empty
		//--------------------------Loop - for comparing each index and sort--------------------------------//
		for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
			for (j = 0 ; j < size-i-1 ; j++)
				if(club[j].fee > club[j+1].fee)
					temp_arr = club[j]; 
					club[j] = club[j+1];
					club[j+1] = temp_arr;
		printf("The array sorting by fee is succeeded!\n\n");
	else             //IF Buffer IS Empty
		printf("The array is empty! Nothing to sort!\n\n");

//------------------------------------------!!!!!END FUNCTION FIVE!!!!!--------------------------------------//

//---------!!!!!MENU FUNCTION - PRINTING THE OPTION MENU!!!!!----------------------//
void menu()
	printf("Choose one of the following options:\n" "1 - Add subscribers\n"
		"2 - Delete subscriber\n"
		"3 - Print all subscribers \n"
		"4 - Sort subscribers by ID\n"
		"5 - Sort subscribers by fee\n"
		"6 - Exit\n");
//----------------------------!!!!!END MENU!!!!!-----------------------------------//

//***************************************************END PROGRAM************************************************//

Initial URL

Initial Description
Work 5 "Structures" C++

Initial Title
Havodat hagasha 5

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Initial Language