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Revision: 52273
at October 18, 2011 13:40 by klovera

Initial Code
function getImages($folder){
	$basedir = "/home/cochipp/public_html/"; // base directory for the server
	$localdir = "images/banners/".$folder."/"; // local directory and the folder passed
	$dirname = $basedir.$localdir;
	$dir = opendir($dirname);
	$images_arr = array();
	$images = "";
	$i = 0;
	while(false != ($file = readdir($dir))){
		if(($file != ".") and ($file != "..") and ($file != "index.html")){
			$images_arr[$i] = '{ src: "/'.$localdir.$file.'" },';
	foreach($images_arr as $image){
		$images .= $image;	
	// strip off last comma
	$images = substr($images, 0, -1);
	echo $images;


Initial URL

Initial Description
Returns all the images in a folder randomly.Listed back in this format: { src: "/'.$localdir.$file.'" },

Initial Title
function: getImages($folder)

Initial Tags

Initial Language