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Revision: 50341
at August 18, 2011 05:37 by rowntreerob

Initial Code
void MultiFramedRTPSource::networkReadHandler1() {
  BufferedPacket* bPacket = fPacketReadInProgress;
  if (bPacket == NULL) {
    // Normal case: Get a free BufferedPacket descriptor to hold the new network packet:
    bPacket = fReorderingBuffer->getFreePacket(this);

  // Read the network packet, and perform sanity checks on the RTP header:
  Boolean readSuccess = False;
  do {
    Boolean packetReadWasIncomplete = fPacketReadInProgress != NULL;
    if (!bPacket->fillInData(fRTPInterface, packetReadWasIncomplete)) break;
    if (packetReadWasIncomplete) {
      // We need additional read(s) before we can process the incoming packet:
      fPacketReadInProgress = bPacket;
    } else {
      fPacketReadInProgress = NULL;
#ifdef TEST_LOSS
       // don't wait for 'lost' packets to arrive out-of-order later
    if ((our_random()%10) == 0) break; // simulate 10% packet loss

    // Check for the 12-byte RTP header:
    if (bPacket->dataSize() < 12) break;
    unsigned rtpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);
    Boolean rtpMarkerBit = (rtpHdr&0x00800000) >> 23;
    unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data()));ADVANCE(4);
    unsigned rtpSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);
    // rcr it looks like the java version has 10 extra bytes after SSRC
    // Check the RTP version number (it should be 2):
    if ((rtpHdr&0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) break;

    // Skip over any CSRC identifiers in the header:
    unsigned cc = (rtpHdr>>24)&0xF;
    if (bPacket->dataSize() < cc) break;

    //rcr  the above does not seem to be skipping any bytes

    // Check for (& ignore) any RTP header extension
    if (rtpHdr&0x10000000) {
      if (bPacket->dataSize() < 4) break;
      unsigned extHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);
      unsigned remExtSize = 4*(extHdr&0xFFFF);
      if (bPacket->dataSize() < remExtSize) break;
    //rcr the above does not seem to b skipping

    // Discard any padding bytes:
    if (rtpHdr&0x20000000) {
      if (bPacket->dataSize() == 0) break;
      unsigned numPaddingBytes
	= (unsigned)(bPacket->data())[bPacket->dataSize()-1];
      if (bPacket->dataSize() < numPaddingBytes) break;

    //rcr the above does not seem skipping bytes

    // Check the Payload Type.
    if ((unsigned char)((rtpHdr&0x007F0000)>>16)
	!= rtpPayloadFormat()) {

    // The rest of the packet is the usable data.  Record and save it:
    fLastReceivedSSRC = rtpSSRC;
    unsigned short rtpSeqNo = (unsigned short)(rtpHdr&0xFFFF);
    Boolean usableInJitterCalculation
      = packetIsUsableInJitterCalculation((bPacket->data()),
    struct timeval presentationTime; // computed by:
    Boolean hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP; // computed by:
      .noteIncomingPacket(rtpSSRC, rtpSeqNo, rtpTimestamp,
			  usableInJitterCalculation, presentationTime,
			  hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP, bPacket->dataSize());
    //rcr this dataSize is the same as the java getPacketData().length
    // envir() << "M-frmRTPsrc.readHndlr pck sz " << bPacket->dataSize();

    // Fill in the rest of the packet descriptor, and store it:
    struct timeval timeNow;
    gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
    bPacket->assignMiscParams(rtpSeqNo, rtpTimestamp, presentationTime,
			      hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP, rtpMarkerBit,
    if (!fReorderingBuffer->storePacket(bPacket)) break;

    readSuccess = True;
  } while (0);
  if (!readSuccess) fReorderingBuffer->freePacket(bPacket);

  // If we didn't get proper data this time, we'll get another chance

Initial URL

Initial Description
cpp code to parse packet headers and find the actual audio frames in the packet

Initial Title
RTP packet handler

Initial Tags

Initial Language