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Revision: 47664
at June 13, 2011 04:55 by 4fthawaiian

Initial Code
for i in *.jar; do set -- `echo $i |awk -F- '{sub(/.jar/,"",$0)} {if ($2 !~ /[0-9]/) {print $1"-"$2,$3} else {print $1,$2} }'`;jarname=$1;newver=$2; set -- `ls ../*.jar |grep "$jarname-[0-9]" |awk -F- '{sub(/.jar/,"",$0)} {if ($2 !~ /[0-9]/) {print $3} else {print $2} }'`; if [ "$newver" != "$1" ]; then echo $jarname $newver $1; fi; done

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is some ugly-ass code, but it works to see if you need to update the atlassian jira jars. Meant to be in /opt/j2ee/domains/

Initial Title
check jar versions

Initial Tags

Initial Language