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Revision: 46393
at May 18, 2011 16:39 by patriksvenssonmpsbroadbandcom

Initial Code
        $propParam->PropertyName = "Date";                          
        $propParam->PropertyMatchString = "17/05/2011";        

        $obj->SessionContext = $sessionContext;
		$obj->ServiceID = "419";
		$obj->MaxResult ="24";
		$obj->StartPos = "0";
		$obj->MaxResult = "10";
		$obj->SearchString = 'Idir';
		$obj->SortOption= $sortOption;
        $obj->PropertiesFilterParameters = array ($propParam);
		$obj->PropertiesFilter ="%1";

        //Ensure that the array key is exactly the same as the expected parameter name declared in the webservice.
        $myParameter = array('parameters'=>$obj);
        //Create a SOAP client
        $client = new SoapClient("", 
									array('location' => ""));

		$findContentResponse = $client->FindContent($myParameter);

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Advanced PropertiesFilterParameters PHP

Initial Tags

Initial Language