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Revision: 46102
at May 13, 2011 00:05 by jamiebrwr

Initial Code
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'my_dashboard_widgets');
function my_dashboard_widgets() {
     global $wp_meta_boxes;
     // remove unnecessary widgets
     // var_dump( $wp_meta_boxes['dashboard'] ); // use to get all the widget IDs
     // add a custom dashboard widget
     wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_custom_feed', 'News from 10up', 'dashboard_custom_feed_output' ); //add new RSS feed output
function dashboard_custom_feed_output() {
     echo '<div class="rss-widget">';
          'url' => '',
          'title' => 'What\'s up at 10up',
          'items' => 2,
          'show_summary' => 1,
          'show_author' => 0,
          'show_date' => 1,
     echo "</div>";

Initial URL

Initial Description
If you build WordPress websites for clients, then the number of WordPress news feeds loaded by default in the dashboard might be an annoyance. If you’re clever, you might just inject some of your own client’s news.

Initial Title
Dashboard News Feeds

Initial Tags

Initial Language