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Revision: 45609
at May 5, 2011 00:01 by garnold

Initial Code
//Extending the SData query to include the new field is required
//Use the correct object to extend below
var detailView = Mobile.SalesLogix.Account.Detail;
Ext.override(detailView, {
	querySelect: detailView.prototype.querySelect.concat([

this.registerCustomization('VIEWTYPE', 'VIEWNAME', {
	at: function(row) { return row.label == 'LOCATION'; },
	type: 'insert',
	where: 'before',//after can be used as well
	value: {
		//Action is used if clicking this item should fire a function
		//If so then action should equal the function's name
		//action: 'testAlert', 
		name: 'SDataName',
		label: 'LABEL',

Initial URL

Initial Description
Use this in the ApplicationModule.js file.

Initial Title
Inserting a new field

Initial Tags

Initial Language