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at April 10, 2011 02:23 by mrAlexGray

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#  Array members need not be consecutive or contiguous.

#  Some members of the array can be left uninitialized.
#  Gaps in the array are okay.
#  In fact, arrays with sparse data ("sparse arrays")
#+ are useful in spreadsheet-processing software.

echo -n "area[11] = "
echo ${area[11]}    #  {curly brackets} needed.

echo -n "area[13] = "
echo ${area[13]}

echo "Contents of area[51] are ${area[51]}."

# Contents of uninitialized array variable print blank (null variable).
echo -n "area[43] = "
echo ${area[43]}
echo "(area[43] unassigned)"


# Sum of two array variables assigned to third
area[5]=`expr ${area[11]} + ${area[13]}`
echo "area[5] = area[11] + area[13]"
echo -n "area[5] = "
echo ${area[5]}

area[6]=`expr ${area[11]} + ${area[51]}`
echo "area[6] = area[11] + area[51]"
echo -n "area[6] = "
echo ${area[6]}
# This fails because adding an integer to a string is not permitted.

echo; echo; echo

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Another array, "area2".
# Another way of assigning array variables...
# array_name=( XXX YYY ZZZ ... )

area2=( zero one two three four )

echo -n "area2[0] = "
echo ${area2[0]}
# Aha, zero-based indexing (first element of array is [0], not [1]).

echo -n "area2[1] = "
echo ${area2[1]}    # [1] is second element of array.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

echo; echo; echo

# -----------------------------------------------
# Yet another array, "area3".
# Yet another way of assigning array variables...
# array_name=([xx]=XXX [yy]=YYY ...)

area3=([17]=seventeen [24]=twenty-four)

echo -n "area3[17] = "
echo ${area3[17]}

echo -n "area3[24] = "
echo ${area3[24]}
# -----------------------------------------------

exit 0

As we have seen, a convenient way of initializing an entire array is the array=( element1 element2 ... elementN ) notation.

Bash permits array operations on variables, even if the variables are not explicitly declared as arrays.

echo ${string[@]}               # abcABC123ABCabc
echo ${string[*]}               # abcABC123ABCabc 
echo ${string[0]}               # abcABC123ABCabc
echo ${string[1]}               # No output!
                                # Why?
echo ${#string[@]}              # 1
                                # One element in the array.
                                # The string itself.

# Thank you, Michael Zick, for pointing this out.
Once again this demonstrates that Bash variables are untyped.

Example 27-2. Formatting a poem

# Pretty-prints one of the ABS Guide author's favorite poems.

# Lines of the poem (single stanza).
Line[1]="I do not know which to prefer,"
Line[2]="The beauty of inflections"
Line[3]="Or the beauty of innuendoes,"
Line[4]="The blackbird whistling"
Line[5]="Or just after."
# Note that quoting permits embedding whitespace.

# Attribution.
Attrib[1]=" Wallace Stevens"
Attrib[2]="\"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird\""
# This poem is in the Public Domain (copyright expired).


tput bold   # Bold print.

for index in 1 2 3 4 5    # Five lines.
  printf "     %s\n" "${Line[index]}"

for index in 1 2          # Two attribution lines.
  printf "          %s\n" "${Attrib[index]}"

tput sgr0   # Reset terminal.
            # See 'tput' docs.


exit 0

# Exercise:
# --------
# Modify this script to pretty-print a poem from a text data file.

Array variables have a syntax all their own, and even standard Bash commands and operators have special options adapted for array use.

Example 27-3. Various array operations

# More fun with arrays.

array=( zero one two three four five )
# Element 0   1   2    3     4    5

echo ${array[0]}       #  zero
echo ${array:0}        #  zero
                       #  Parameter expansion of first element,
                       #+ starting at position # 0 (1st character).
echo ${array:1}        #  ero
                       #  Parameter expansion of first element,
                       #+ starting at position # 1 (2nd character).

echo "--------------"

echo ${#array[0]}      #  4
                       #  Length of first element of array.
echo ${#array}         #  4
                       #  Length of first element of array.
                       #  (Alternate notation)

echo ${#array[1]}      #  3
                       #  Length of second element of array.
                       #  Arrays in Bash have zero-based indexing.

echo ${#array[*]}      #  6
                       #  Number of elements in array.
echo ${#array[@]}      #  6
                       #  Number of elements in array.

echo "--------------"

array2=( [0]="first element" [1]="second element" [3]="fourth element" )
#            ^     ^       ^     ^      ^       ^     ^      ^       ^
# Quoting permits embedding whitespace within individual array elements.

echo ${array2[0]}      # first element
echo ${array2[1]}      # second element
echo ${array2[2]}      #
                       # Skipped in initialization, and therefore null.
echo ${array2[3]}      # fourth element
echo ${#array2[0]}     # 13    (length of first element)
echo ${#array2[*]}     # 3     (number of elements in array)


Many of the standard string operations work on arrays.

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 Simple array usage 

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