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Revision: 40717
at February 6, 2011 03:09 by AzNGTX2

Initial Code

//mysql database connection 
$dbhost='Database Host'; 
$dbuser='Your Username'; 
$dbpass='Your Password'; 
$dbtable='Your Table Name'; 

mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpass") or die("Could not connect."); 
mysql_select_db("$dbtable") or die("Table could not be selected."); 

//Submit Form 

      print "You did not enter a message."; //no post entered 

      $displaytime=date("F j, Y, g:i A"); 
      //SQL Queries 
      $insertpost="INSERT INTO kyproject_blog(message, date) values('$yourpost','$displaytime')"; 
      mysql_query($insertpost) or die("Could not insert post"); //insert post       
      print "Blog entry added. Return to the <a href='index.php'>index page</a>."; 

   print "<fieldset> 
             <form action='' method='post' id='ticketform'> 
          <p><label>Blog Entry:</label> 
          <textarea cols='50' rows='11' name='yourpost' id='message' class='bbeditor'></textarea></p> 
          <p><input name='submit' class='formbutton' value='Submit' type='submit' /></p> 
print "</td></tr></tbody></table> 

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
PHP Blog: Insert.php

Initial Tags

Initial Language