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Revision: 28429
at July 8, 2010 06:14 by ChrisCantley

Initial Code
There are a few ways to invoke a web service.  The first is to create the object and then pass in the parameters like a function

<cfset apiLeads = createObject("webservice","")>
<cfset getLead = apiLeads.getLeadInfo('blah', '12312')>
<cfdump var="#getLead#">

<!---  The second way is to use the CFINVOKE tag --->
    <cfinvokeargument name="key" value="blah"/>
    <cfinvokeargument name="leadId" value="12312"/>

<Cfdump var="#serviceReturn#" >

<!--- and lastly, when all else fails, you can send the request through HTTP, then use WDDX2CFML to turn the returned value into something 
you can use.

<Cfhttp url="" />
    action = "wddx2cfml" 
    input = "#CFHTTP.FileContent#" 
    output = "serviceReturn" >

<Cfdump var="#serviceReturn#" >

<Cfoutput query="serviceReturn">

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Accessing a webservice

Initial Tags

Initial Language