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Revision: 27981
at June 29, 2010 00:35 by ChrisCantley

Initial Code
This takes an image that was created, shows it and deletes it.  This is good for captcha images since you dont want to keep them arround after they are created.

<img src="/blog/serveCaptcha.cfm?captchaImage=<cfoutput>#captcha.image#</cfoutput>" border=1>

This page feeds back the image and deletes it after

<cfparam name="captchaImage">
<cfcontent deletefile="yes" file="#application.blogcfm.captchaImageRoot##application.blogcfm.dirsep##captchaImage#" type="image/x-png">

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Serve Create image through IMG

Initial Tags

Initial Language