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Revision: 26690
at May 6, 2010 14:43 by bitmanic

Updated Code
function partsFinderPlus(pfpOptions){

	// User Options
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	// The following array of options should be included on the PSN page
	var pfpOptions = {
		manufacturer:	 "Honda",
		category:			"ATVs",
		resultsWrapper: "div#pfp"

	// Declare global variables
	var pfpConfig = {
		yearRepopUrl:     '/yearRepop.asp',     // PSN page that outputs year lists
		yearRepopWrapper:  'div#yearSelect',      // Wrapper for year lists
		yearSelect:       'select#yearDropDown',   // Year list <select> element
		modelRepopUrl:    '/modelRepop.asp',      // PSN page that outputs model lists
		modelRepopWrapper: 'div#modelSelect',     // Wrapper for model lists
		modelSelect:      'select#modelDropDown', // Model list <select> element
		getFvehUrl:       '/getFveh.asp'          // PSN page that outputs the FVEH ID of a vehicle

	// Use AJAX to include PSN's fiche.js script, which will be referenced by some of our generated code.
		type: "GET",
		url: "/fiche.js",
		dataType: "script",
		success: function(){
			// If the fiche script loads successfully, do another AJAX call for the initial year list
				type: "GET",
				url: pfpConfig.yearRepopUrl,
				data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer, // To get a proper year list, we need to pass a category and make to the page.
				cache: false,
				success: function(html){
					// If the year list loads successfully, append it to the inside of the blank year list wrapper.
				complete: function(){
					// Once the years have loaded, make an AJAX call for models.
					// We need to get a year value to pass in the model list generator - use the year list's default value for this.
					var currentYear = $(pfpConfig.yearSelect).val();
						type: "GET",
						url: pfpConfig.modelRepopUrl,
						data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer+"&year="+currentYear,
						cache: false,
						success: function(html){
							// If the model list loads succesfully, append it to the inside of the blank model list wrapper.
							// Get rid of the inline javascript 'onchange' event that is hardcoded into all PSN model lists.


	// When the user changes years, return a new model list for that year.	 We bind the function to the 'change' event
	// with jQuery's live() feature, which allows us to target elements inserted dynamically into the DOM (whereas a
	// regular 'change' event would not.
			var currentYear = $(pfpConfig.yearSelect).val();
				type: "GET",
				url: pfpConfig.modelRepopUrl,
				data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer+"&year="+currentYear,
				cache: false,
				success: function(html){
					// If the model list loads succesfully, append it to the inside of the blank model list wrapper.
			return false;

	// When the user selects a model, forward them to the fiche selection page. We bind the function to the 'change' event
	// with jQuery's live() feature, which allows us to target elements inserted dynamically into the DOM (whereas a
	// regular 'change' event would not.
		var currentYear = $(pfpConfig.yearSelect).val();
		var currentModel = $(pfpConfig.modelSelect).val();
			type: "GET",
			url: pfpConfig.getFvehUrl,
			data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer+"&year="+currentYear+'&model='+currentModel,
			cache: false,
			success: function(html){
				// If the fveh ID is returned successfully, build the URL and redirect the user to the fiche selection page.


Revision: 26689
at May 6, 2010 14:41 by bitmanic

Initial Code
function partsFinderPlus(pfpOptions){

	// User Options
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	// The following array of options should be included on the PSN page
	var pfpOptions = {
		manufacturer:	 "Honda",
		category:			"ATVs",
		resultsWrapper: "div#pfp"

	// Declare global variables
	var pfpConfig = {
		yearRepopUrl:			'/yearRepop.asp',			// PSN page that outputs year lists
		yearRepopWrapper:	 'div#yearSelect',			// Wrapper for year lists
		yearSelect:				'select#yearDropDown',	 // Year list <select> element
		modelRepopUrl:		'/modelRepop.asp',			// PSN page that outputs model lists
		modelRepopWrapper: 'div#modelSelect',			// Wrapper for model lists
		modelSelect:			'select#modelDropDown', // Model list <select> element
		getFvehUrl:				'/getFveh.asp'					// PSN page that outputs the FVEH ID of a vehicle

	// Use AJAX to include PSN's fiche.js script, which will be referenced by some of our generated code.
		type: "GET",
		url: "/fiche.js",
		dataType: "script",
		success: function(){
			// If the fiche script loads successfully, do another AJAX call for the initial year list
				type: "GET",
				url: pfpConfig.yearRepopUrl,
				data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer, // To get a proper year list, we need to pass a category and make to the page.
				cache: false,
				success: function(html){
					// If the year list loads successfully, append it to the inside of the blank year list wrapper.
				complete: function(){
					// Once the years have loaded, make an AJAX call for models.
					// We need to get a year value to pass in the model list generator - use the year list's default value for this.
					var currentYear = $(pfpConfig.yearSelect).val();
						type: "GET",
						url: pfpConfig.modelRepopUrl,
						data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer+"&year="+currentYear,
						cache: false,
						success: function(html){
							// If the model list loads succesfully, append it to the inside of the blank model list wrapper.
							// Get rid of the inline javascript 'onchange' event that is hardcoded into all PSN model lists.


	// When the user changes years, return a new model list for that year.	 We bind the function to the 'change' event
	// with jQuery's live() feature, which allows us to target elements inserted dynamically into the DOM (whereas a
	// regular 'change' event would not.
			var currentYear = $(pfpConfig.yearSelect).val();
				type: "GET",
				url: pfpConfig.modelRepopUrl,
				data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer+"&year="+currentYear,
				cache: false,
				success: function(html){
					// If the model list loads succesfully, append it to the inside of the blank model list wrapper.
			return false;

	// When the user selects a model, forward them to the fiche selection page. We bind the function to the 'change' event
	// with jQuery's live() feature, which allows us to target elements inserted dynamically into the DOM (whereas a
	// regular 'change' event would not.
		var currentYear = $(pfpConfig.yearSelect).val();
		var currentModel = $(pfpConfig.modelSelect).val();
			type: "GET",
			url: pfpConfig.getFvehUrl,
			data: "category="+pfpOptions.category+"&make="+pfpOptions.manufacturer+"&year="+currentYear+'&model='+currentModel,
			cache: false,
			success: function(html){
				// If the fveh ID is returned successfully, build the URL and redirect the user to the fiche selection page.


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
PartsFinder Plus code

Initial Tags

Initial Language