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Revision: 23846
at February 15, 2010 11:18 by domhax

Initial Code
#import "MyHandler.h"

@implementation MyHandler

- (id)renderWithTransport:(BxTransport *)transport {
    if (! [transport.requestPath isEqualToString:@"/favicon.ico"]) {
        BxMailerAttachment *attachment = [[[BxMailerAttachment alloc] initWithName:@"cheese.jpg" path:@"/Users/dblais/Desktop/selected.png"] autorelease];
        [[BxMailer systemMailer] sendMessage:@"The Message"
                                     subject:@"The Subject"
                                          to:@"[email protected]"
                                        from:@"[email protected]"
                                 attachments:attachment, nil];
    return self;


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
BxMailer attachment with nil header field

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Objective C