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Revision: 17767
at September 14, 2009 05:20 by gfazioli

Initial Code
* (20-Feb-1995) --- value = StringBinToValue(string, optlen) (a0/d0)
	movem.l	d1-d3/a0,-(sp)
	moveq	#0,d2			* Mark Negative
	moveq	#"0",d3			* Type Of Chars
B2V_Skp	cmp.b	(a0),d3			* Check Jolly Char
	ble.s	B2V_Con
	cmpi.b	#"%",(a0)+		* Jolly...
	beq.s	B2V_Skp
	cmpi.b	#"+",-1(a0)		* Pos
	beq.s	B2V_Skp
	cmpi.b	#"-",-1(a0)		* NOT... provoca qualcosa...
	bne.s	B2V_Skp
	moveq	#1,d2			* Set Mark Negative
	bra.s	B2V_Skp
B2V_Con	move.w	d0,d1			* Introdotta lunghezza forzata?
	bne.s	B2V_Chk			* Si... considera questa...
	STRLEN	a0,d1			* Tutta la stringa
B2V_Chk	moveq	#0,d0
	subq.w	#1,d1
	bmi.s	B2V_Ext
B2V_SBt	cmp.b	(a0)+,d3
	beq.s	B2V_Lp
	bset	d1,d0
B2V_Lp	dbf	d1,B2V_SBt
	tst.w	d2
	beq.s	B2V_Ext
	not.l	d0
B2V_Ext	movem.l	(sp)+,d1-d3/a0

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