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Revision: 17291
at September 19, 2009 12:19 by tylersticka

Updated Code
// Function retrieve a set of portfolio items
function get_work(
	// Specify a portfolio item ID to exclude from results,
	// useful if displaying a list of other items in an item page
	// The number of portfolio items to return to
	// (Returns all by default)
	// The ID of the "master" portfolio page. To streamline use
	// of the function, change the default of this to whatever
	// the ID of the portfolio page is
	// Advanced arguments if you wish to make other adjustments
	$args = array('orderby'=>'menu_order','order'=>'ASC','post_type'=>'page')
) {
	// Add arguments to query when applicable
	$args['numberposts'] = $limit;
	if ($exclude) { $args['exclude'] = $exclude; }
	if ($parent) { $args['post_parent'] = $parent; }
	// Fetch and return WordPress posts matching query
	return get_posts($args);

Revision: 17290
at August 30, 2009 17:48 by tylersticka

Initial Code
// Function retrieve a set of portfolio items
function get_work(
	// Specify a portfolio item ID to exclude from results,
	// useful if displaying a list of other items in an item page
	// The number of portfolio items to return to
	// (Returns all by default)
	// The ID of the "master" portfolio page. To streamline use
	// of the function, change the default of this to whatever
	// the ID of the portfolio page is
	// Advanced arguments if you wish to make other adjustments
	$args = array('orderby'=>'menu_order','order'=>'ASC','post_type'=>'page')
) {
	// Add arguments to query when applicable
	$args['numberposts'] = $limit;
	if ($exclude) { $args['exclude'] = $exclude; }
	if ($parent) { $args['post_parent'] = $parent; }
	// Fetch and return WordPress posts matching query
	return get_posts($args);

Initial URL

Initial Description
For use in the theme functions template, functions.php.

Initial Title
WordPress-Powered Portfolios: get_work()

Initial Tags

Initial Language