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Revision: 16719
at August 13, 2009 08:03 by alexaivars

Updated Code
		* This functions returns an array containing 36 points to draw an
		* ellipse.
		* @param x {double} X coordinate
		* @param y {double} Y coordinate
		* @param a {double} Semimajor axis
		* @param b {double} Semiminor axis
		* @param angle {double} Angle of the ellipse

		private function calculateEllipse(x:Number, y:Number, a:Number, b:Number, angle:Number, steps:Number = 36 ):Array 
			var points:Array = [];
			// Angle is given by Degree Value
			var beta:Number = -angle * (Math.PI / 180); //(Math.PI/180) converts Degree Value into Radians
			var sinbeta:Number = Math.sin(beta);
			var cosbeta:Number = Math.cos(beta);
			for (var i:Number = 0; i < 360; i += 360 / steps) 
				var alpha:Number = i * (Math.PI / 180) ;
				var sinalpha:Number = Math.sin(alpha);
				var cosalpha:Number = Math.cos(alpha);
				var X:Number = x + (a * cosalpha * cosbeta - b * sinalpha * sinbeta);
				var Y:Number = y + (a * cosalpha * sinbeta + b * sinalpha * cosbeta);
				points.push(new Point(X, Y));
			return points;

Revision: 16718
at August 13, 2009 08:01 by alexaivars

Initial Code
* This functions returns an array containing 36 points to draw an
* ellipse.
* @param x {double} X coordinate
* @param y {double} Y coordinate
* @param a {double} Semimajor axis
* @param b {double} Semiminor axis
* @param angle {double} Angle of the ellipse
function calculateEllipse(x:Number, y:Number, a:Number, b:Number, angle:Number, steps:Number):Array 
  if (steps == null)
    steps:Number = 36;
  var points = [];
  // Angle is given by Degree Value
  var beta:Number = -angle * (Math.PI / 180); //(Math.PI/180) converts Degree Value into Radians
  var sinbeta:Number = Math.sin(beta);
  var cosbeta:Number = Math.cos(beta);
  for (var i:Number = 0; i < 360; i += 360 / steps) 
    var alpha:Number = i * (Math.PI / 180) ;
    var sinalpha:Number = Math.sin(alpha);
    var cosalpha:Number = Math.cos(alpha);
    var X:Number = x + (a * cosalpha * cosbeta - b * sinalpha * sinbeta);
    var Y:Number = y + (a * cosalpha * sinbeta + b * sinalpha * cosbeta);
    points.push(new Point(X, Y));
  return points;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Calculate Ellipse

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3