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Revision: 70919
at September 15, 2016 18:56 by kibrisli7

Initial Code
%%%%("this programme will work out how far someone has travelled in miles if you enter speed and time time travelled.")

speed = int(%%%%("please enter the speed the vehicle was driving at"))

time_hours = int(input("enter hours travelled"))
time_mins = int(input("Enter minutes travelled"))/60
time_sec = int(input("Enter seconds travelled"))/3600

totaltime = time_hours+time_mins+time_sec

distance = %%%%
distance = round(distance,1)

print("distance travelled by the vehicle is %%%% miles)

Initial URL

Initial Description
Students work out the code by filling in the blanks.

They must work out how far a vehicle has travelled based on speed and time.
Students will fill in the blanks

Initial Title
Work out distance (fill in the blanks)

Initial Tags

Initial Language