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Revision: 1528
at October 17, 2006 12:00 by jgmutza

Updated Code
dim sql
sql = "select TagName from IODefinitions where " & _
"StationName = '" & StationName & _
"' and Output = " & iif(StepType=stWaitForInput,"'0'","'1'") & _
" and TagGroup != 'System'"

Revision: 1527
at October 17, 2006 11:37 by jgmutza

Updated Code
dim sql
sql = "select TagName from IODefinitions where " & _
StationName = '" & StationName & _
"' and Output = " & iif(StepType=stWaitForInput,"'0'","'1'") & _
" and TagGroup!='System'"

Revision: 1526
at October 17, 2006 11:30 by jgmutza

Updated Code
dim sql
sql = "select TagName from IODefinitions where StationName = '" & _
StationName & "' and Output = " & _
iif(StepType=stWaitForInput,"'0'","'1'") & " and TagGroup!='System'"

Revision: 1525
at October 17, 2006 11:16 by jgmutza

Initial Code
dim sql
sql = "select TagName from IODefinitions where StationName = '" & StationName & "' and Output = " & iif(StepType=stWaitForInput,"'0'","'1'") & " and TagGroup!='System'"

Initial URL

Initial Description
Building a SELECT statement this way obscures the meaning.

Initial Title
Death by Concatenation

Initial Tags

Initial Language