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Revision: 13079
at April 8, 2009 20:31 by ThomasGHenry

Updated Code

Revision: 13078
at April 8, 2009 00:07 by ThomasGHenry

Updated Code

Revision: 13077
at April 7, 2009 20:04 by ThomasGHenry

Initial Code

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is my first ever bookmarklet. It's simple and could be tightened up but it works for me (FF3 Ubuntu 8.10). 

Oh, by the way, what it does is load gmail (if you're signed in, which I always am) with a search for the unread messages (is:unread) of the current day (after:2009-4-7, for example).

Oh yeah. If you want to use it just create a bookmark in your browser (or and use this snippet as the url. 

<strike>I noticed that it doesn't always work in the current tab, but always in new tabs (via middle click, etc). Feel free to advise on how to correct that.</strike>

fixed... thanks to these good folks:
<a href=""></a>

Initial Title
Gmail Today's Unread Email Bookmarklet

Initial Tags

Initial Language